To where should I look?
My hopes have unpinned.
Waves of despair crash around my ears
Slowly drowning me,
Submerging my tears.
My lips cry out,
Yet no-one hears;
Alone in my thoughts
A profusion of fears.
A voice calls out
I listen for his name.
Will he hear me?
Will he know my shame?
My only respite: sweet oblivion
To the somnant realms
Where the veil of obsidian
Lifts from my eyes
Revealing sweet wonder
Where perchance I may dream
With no echoes of thunder.
Then roused from my sleep,
Yet my soul remains
Wandering the deep
Waters untamed.
It does not wish to make the return
The journey too brief
And with so much to learn
I yearn to dwell there a little longer,
To rest for a while
Till my heart can grow stronger.